Posted by: teldringhoff | November 16, 2008

Reaction to Obama

The election of Barack Obama has led to a number of incidents all over the country, some in my own hometown and school.  Each of them was prompted by some sort of racism, in my opinion.  I don’t understand it.  I have seen emails that contained jokes whose punchine was the assasination of the president-elect, heard about text messages saying the n-gg– needs to be killed, heard from people who’ve witnessed vandalism against black families, and read AP wire stories about the sudden increase in threats against the president, and a dramatic increase in bias crimes.

I am left ambivalent.  I am thrilled that our country as a whole has made a mighty move to put racism behind us; I am disappointed and afraid that a significant minority has and will become more vocal and demonstrative.  Here’s hoping that the better angels of our nature will prevail as they did on Nov. 4.

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